Thursday, December 18, 2008

Do You Have A cause?

I'd like very much to know if you have a cause that needs attention? I discovered the needs for awareness and funds for Loving Food Resources. between their open food pantry on Saturday and also getting food to others who are in home hospice this all volunteer organization cannot run on it's own without the support of our community. They do not accept donations from United way or any other agency. It's through our love, our generosity, our encouragement that their doors stay open to give food to those in need.
I'm considering going somewhere on the road next summer after my next benefit for LFR. Where do you think I should travel to and raise awareness and funds? I've had suggestions for Hole in the wall gang which is a camp for cancer kids. St. Judes was another suggestion as well as going to an inner city with a cause of helping a children s unit on a hospital. I'd love to hear your thoughts as well as suggestions.
Please reserve the date of Sunday March 8th, 2009 for our 2nd annual benefit for LFR, The Eagle Flies on Sunday
Thanks and always remember to
Spread Peace, Smiles, and Love,

Thursday, October 30, 2008

A Broke Plilanthropist

My mother once referred to my giving as a broke philanthropist and only a few years later I have now realized what she actually meant. She was giving me one of the biggest compliments ever. It isn't always money that constitutes giving. Giving can be monetary but for me it's gathering what's needed to raise the money. This is what I'm natural at. I find it easy to ignite enthusiasm. Todd Rungren wrote a line in a song that has rung with me for over 30 years. In his song Fair Warning he sings " I can't let the world die because no one would try." I just can't look away constantly at things that bother and effect me hoping they'll disappear.
My mother says the most clever things when we play cards. At 83 it keeps her skills sharp. It's a place in her life where she is comfortable and communicating things important in her life and it's interesting what get's discussed or mumbled and it's an honor to hear them. I find I have a few people in my life too that I'm comfortable saying those inner feelings with. But I also keep thinking of the Broke Philanthropist. The part of me that is always feeling and thinking of others and what I can do to make a difference in a life.
I'm broke. My credit cards are maxed out. I need a roommate to help alleviate my expenses. But I have my friends, my family, my job. It's the best lowest paying jobs I've ever had. I love my life in as much as I have the difficulties as the next person. My mother said a few years ago that in today's days next year will have bills like this year but with different names. I somehow feel that in essence all these debts gives hunger for me to be helpful to another. It takes someone to experience something to then acquire humility to then pass strength onto another person experiencing what has already been felt and dealt with. My mother has lived many years and experienced many things in this life. Her eyes can close and she can describe visions, pictures, and gatherings vividly and I only hope my colors are as rich as hers.
I feel we all have so much to give and what we each possess is so special. I'm experiencing this delightful feeling each day even if it's just envisioning it because that is the beginning.